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Services provided by Mono-Con™

Don't worry if you have no experience in IoT device development or digital transformation.
We provide manufacturing consulting services to support youfrom demonstration experiments to mass production aimed at market launch.
If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us.

1. Support for proof-of-concept experiments and PoC to turn ideas into reality

[Must see for these people]
You want to improve your current business by utilizing digital technologies such as AI and IoT to increase the value of your company's business and solve management issues, but
There are no experts nearby who I can easily consult about electrical circuits and software.

We offer suggestions based on our extensive manufacturing experience.
Even if you have no experience with electronics or development, you're welcome to apply.

Prototypes that allow for immediate feedback from stakeholders
It will materialize soon.

We provide apps for PCs and smartphones.
Accelerate the experience of your ideas.

Don't worry if you have no experience!

2. Achieving both performance and productivity through product development with an eye on mass production

[Must see for these people]
We managed to create a prototype to verify the algorithms and services we had come up with by using information from the Internet and existing products.
We are considering bringing this to market in the future, and would like you to develop and mass-produce professional-level products.

Fulfilling users' goals and requirements
This realizes optimal electrical circuits.

A design that maintains a beautiful shape and functionality
We provide the enclosure.

So that users can use it with peace of mind
We will work on environmental testing and standard certification.

We offer suggestions based on our extensive manufacturing experience!

3. Flexible and thorough support and a global mass production supply system

[Must see for these people]
With the current consulting firm, which is primarily focused on development, we feel uneasy about asking them to mass-produce and supply products in terms of supply, quality, and scale.
We would like to coordinate manufacturing with a reliable mass production factory and a party that we can consult with on various matters such as semiconductor component procurement and support.

Customized to your product specifications
Select a domestic factory.

Through cooperation with overseas production bases,
We have established a global supply system.

Macnica is Japan's No. 1 semiconductor trading company.
We deliver parts and information via the shortest route.

We will establish a supply system as soon as possible!

Introducing technologies and ideas that you can use right now

We are disseminating technical information cultivated through manufacturing consulting. Click here for the latest article!

>> Click here for other services and know-how

Monocon™ explained through manga

We've created a manga to make some of our manufacturing consulting services easier to understand!

Monocon™ explained by numbers

創業50年 新横浜本社 1972年創立 創業50年 新横浜本社 1972年創立
売上高1兆円 2023年3月決算 売上高1兆円 2023年3月決算
拠点数26か国 国内外92拠点 拠点数26か国 国内外92拠点
活動実績30年 ものづくり事業 活動実績30年 ものづくり事業
連携パートナー150社 電子、機工、材料など 連携パートナー150社 電子、機工、材料など
エンジニア割合31% 社員数4000人越 エンジニア割合31% 社員数4000人越
半導体取扱数100社以上 国内外主要メーカー 半導体取扱数100社以上 国内外主要メーカー
長期供給お取引き25年 お客様との長いお付き合い 長期供給お取引き25年 お客様との長いお付き合い

Inquiry / Consultation

For companies considering electronics and IoT for their products and services to develop new markets and promote new product development, we offer consulting and support, from selecting optimal parts to implementation methods. Please feel free to contact us. Online meetings are also available upon request.

*Please note that as this is a service for companies, we will not be able to respond to inquiries that do not fall under this category.