Concept of Health Management/Declaration of Health Management

Promotion of MACNICA group (Macnica,Inc.) Management and Health Management

Since its founding, Macnica has maintained its corporate philosophy of "Continue sowing seeds at our feet," and has continued to grow together with our employees at the forefront of change. We also believe that ``employee happiness and development and growth'' is the purpose of management, and based on the ideas that ``a company begins and ends with people'' and ``a company is all about its people,'' we have created an open and fair corporate culture where people can work with satisfaction and pride. has been created.
The high aspirations and passionate passion of each and every employee cultivated there are the source of Macnica 's competitiveness.
The health of our employees is essential for us to continue to maintain these strong aspirations, take on challenges as First Penguin, and grow sustainably.
We have hereby established the "Health Management Declaration" and will continue to sow the seeds so that our employees can work in good physical and mental health.

Health Management Declaration

Macnica strives to encourage each and every employee to demonstrate their individuality and abilities to the fullest, to be ``bright, fun, and energetic'' and to be healthy both mentally and physically.
I declare that I will continue to work on creating an environment where everyone can work in their own way.

Macnica Holdings, INC.
Representative Director and President Kazumasa Hara

Health Management Promotion System Chart

At our company, Representative Director and President is the person responsible for health management, and the Human Resources Headquarters is the driving force behind promoting health management in cooperation with the health insurance association and the General Affairs and Planning Department, while coordinating with industrial physicians, the safety and health committee, employee representatives, and each department.

Health Management Promotion System Chart

strategy map

We believe that improving employee engagement is necessary to achieve both employee happiness and sustainable corporate growth.

To this end, we will promote measures to improve work engagement and foster an open and fair corporate culture where employees can work with satisfaction and pride, with the aim of improving the physical and mental health of each employee and improving productivity.

strategy map

The strategy map can also be viewed in larger size by clicking here for the PDF version.

Measures, initiatives, certification, etc.

(1) Actual values of main initiatives

① Absenteeism (percentage of days off work due to personal injury or illness)
②Smoking rate
③Health checkup participation rate
④Work engagement score
- Workplace diagnosis
- Practice Core Values
-About Our Group's Purpose
* Not implemented

(2) Results of verifying the effectiveness of main initiatives

①Absenteeism (percentage of days off work due to personal injury or illness)

  • We take preventive measures by making early detection based on health checkups, understanding workloads, and the results of various employee surveys, and conducting appropriate interviews with industrial physicians and the human resources department.

②Smoking rate

  • A smoking cessation program was implemented in the first half of fiscal 2023 with the aim of reducing smoking rates, and 18 people participated. We expect the smoking rate to decline in fiscal 2023.

③Health checkup participation rate

  • Since receiving a health checkup is the basis for improving the health of employees, our goal is to have a 100% health checkup rate.
  • In fiscal 2023, we conducted an early checkup campaign and distributed a total of 630,000 yen in Quo card payments from the health insurance association to 630 people who underwent checkups in the first half.
  • Due to the early check-up campaign, the number of people who received check-ups between April and September 2023 was 630, an increase of 192% compared to the same period last year.

④Work engagement score

  • Once a year, we conduct a survey targeting all employees.
  • All three items in the questionnaire received high scores, exceeding 4 out of 6.
  • "Workplace Diagnosis" and "Practice of Core Values" have been implemented continuously for 10 years since 2013, and it seems that there has been no major change over the years as it has become well-established within the company, and this status will continue in the future. We will work to do so.
  • "About Our Group's Purpose" published on February 21, 2022, was released in 2022 for the first time, but the score was high over 4, indicating that our Our Group's Purpose 's Our Group's Purpose resonates with and is Our Group's Purpose by our employees. We will work to better connect this with our daily work.

Certifications and other health-related performance values

Certified as an excellent health management corporation

In March 2024, Macnica was certified as a ``2024 Health and Productivity Management Organization (Large Enterprise Category)''.

In order to continue to grow sustainably as a company that envisions the future and creates the present, as stated in Our Group's Purpose, the health of our employees is essential, so we will further strengthen health management. We aim to further improve corporate value.

Please refer to "Major Non-Financial Summary" on page 73 of our integrated report below.

Examples of listed items

  • Turnover
  • Paid leave acquisition rate
  • Childcare Leave Acquisition Rate
  • Number of occupational accidents
  • Stress check consultation rate
  • Telecommuting usage ratio


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