1. Philosophy
Macnica Holdings Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Macnica group") believes that it is important to conduct fair and honest management, to operate in line with social justice, and to maintain harmony with international and local communities. This is clearly stated in the Management Policy Manual distributed to all employees.
Macnica group Code of Conduct also states that in response to the globalization of corporate activities, we must comply with the laws of each country and region, respect various international norms including human rights, and conduct business that takes into account culture, customs, and stakeholder interests. We clearly aim to contribute to the economic and social development of the country/region in question.
This policy expresses the basic philosophy of Macnica group 's efforts to respect human rights, based on the management policy and charter of conduct mentioned above.
2. Scope of Application
This policy applies to all Member of the Board and employees (including any form of employment) belonging to Macnica group. We also expect our customers, business partners, and stakeholders, including our customers and suppliers, to support and share the contents of this policy.
3. Support and Respect for International Norms
Macnica group is committed to human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We support international norms regarding human rights and fulfill our corporate responsibility to respect human rights based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
4. Human Rights Due Diligence
- Human rights impact assessment
We conduct human rights assessments of existing businesses, supply chains, and business partners in order to understand the actual impact of potential and manifest human rights risks in Macnica group 's business activities and identify areas that should be prioritized. . We also conduct human rights assessments of new investments, businesses and transactions before making major decisions or business changes.
- Dialogue/consultation
At Macnica group, we strive to identify and resolve human rights issues through dialogue and consultation with stakeholders in order to ensure the human rights of everyone involved in our business activities.
- Implementation of effect verification
Macnica group monitors the details of negative impacts on human rights identified through human rights assessments and efforts to prevent and reduce negative impacts on human rights, and conducts follow-up surveys based on appropriate qualitative and quantitative indicators. I will do it.
- Education and enlightenment
Macnica group regularly conducts awareness-raising and training programs for Member of the Board, employees, etc. to deepen their understanding of human rights and raise their awareness of human rights issues.
We will also disseminate this policy to our customers, business partners, and stakeholders, including our customers and suppliers. - Information disclosure to the outside
Macnica group will continually disclose its human rights due diligence efforts and results based on this policy.
5. Remedy/Correction Process (Grievance Mechanism)
In order to identify and resolve human rights issues, Macnica group requires all people involved in Macnica group to refrain from acts that violate or are likely to violate laws, corporate ethics, and internal regulations and rules, including this policy. In the event that a violation is discovered, we will establish a reporting and consultation desk for not only internal employees but also stakeholders.
In addition, we will prohibit the disadvantageous treatment of consulters and whistleblowers, and at the same time, appropriately investigate and respond to consulted cases, and take prompt relief and corrective measures against human rights violations.
6. Specific Policy
Macnica group respects all internationally recognized human rights, and among them, we recognize the following items as being extremely important.
- D&I, Harassment, Discrimination
Macnica group strives to maintain a work environment free from discrimination and harassment based on race, nationality, social origin, creed, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
In addition, we respect ability, performance, skill and experience in recruiting, hiring, staffing, compensation and promotion. - Human rights related to cutting-edge technology
At Macnica group, we recognize that while rapid advances in technology such as AI may create a prosperous society, they may also potentially have negative impacts on human rights, such as privacy violations. As a company at the forefront of technological innovation, Macnica group respects human rights and strives to ensure that technology is developed and used ethically.
- Human rights in the supply chain
If Macnica group discovers any adverse impacts on human rights caused by a supplier, it will promptly request that the supply chain make corrections and actively work to make improvements. In the unlikely event that appropriate improvement efforts cannot be confirmed, it will consider reconsidering its business dealings with the supplier.
- Forced Labor/Child Labor
Macnica group employs all employees of their own free will, and does not require employees to perform forced labor. Additionally, we do not employ or allow children under the minimum working age to work.
We also do not tolerate forced labor or child labor at our business partners. - working environment
Macnica group provides a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and promotes the realization of a work-life balance without long working hours.
7. Commitment
Representative Director and President is responsible for complying with our human rights commitments and overseeing these efforts.
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