the Company, Macnica group, announced in the "Notice regarding the 'Long-term Management Plan' and the 'Medium-term Management Plan (FY2022-2024)'" dated May 9, 2022, "2.1 Sustainability Basic Policy ② Global sustainability with consideration for the environment and human rights" Based on "Promoting management" and strengthening the supply chain, and "2.2 Materiality ③ Creating a sustainable global environment," we have formulated a new "Environmental VISION" and "Environmental Policy" for the Company group. We will inform you as follows.
1. Formulation of "Environmental Vision" and "Environmental Policy"
In fiscal 2021, Macnica group established a Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by Representative Director and President, and in 2022 joined the TCFD Consortium to work on enhancing disclosure of climate change-related information. In addition, we have recognized that addressing global environmental and social issues is one of our key issues (materiality), and have been working on these activities based on our Basic Environmental Policy based on ISO14001.
At this time, the Company recognize that it is necessary to accelerate our response to this environmental problem with a more concrete vision and effective policy, and have formulated a new "Environmental Vision" and "Environmental Policy." the Company will continue to work to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society based on the following "Environmental Vision" and "Environmental Policy".
2. "Environmental Vision"
At Macnica group, we position our most important issues (materiality) as "contributing to economic development by solving the Company issues" and "creating a safe, secure, and comfortable lifestyle," as well as creating a "sustainable global environment."
For this reason, Macnica group will not only reduce its own CO2 emissions and achieve carbon neutrality under Scope 1 and 2, but will also continue to make every effort to resolve social issues, such as preserving and regenerating the global environment and reducing environmental impact, in order to contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral world by 2050 through the Company business activities and supply chain.
3. "Environmental Policy"
At Macnica group, we combine the Company Our Group's Purpose, ``The spirit of being at the forefront of change,'' the Company the Company activities and products, as well as the corporate culture and social contribution activities that the Company group has cultivated over many years, to create a combination of ``decarbonization'' and `` the Company uniqueness.'' We will engage in environmental conservation activities based on the following three basic policies.
- Achieving carbon neutrality for the entire Macnica group
- Realization of a green society through the Company business activities
- Conduct social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen
4. In Promoting Environmental Management Activities
Based on the above Environmental Vision and Environmental Policy, Macnica group will promote the following environmental management activities to continuously reduce its environmental impact.
- Building an environmental management system
We will build an environmental management system and strive for continuous improvement considering the impact on the environment.
- Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
We will comply with environment-related laws, regulations, ordinances, and other requirements.
- Reduction of environmental impact
In order to reduce the impact on the environment caused by our corporate activities, we will strive to conserve the environment by promoting resource and energy conservation, recycling, and waste reduction. We will also strive to prevent pollution of the natural environment by harmful chemical substances and waste, as well as the loss of biodiversity.
- Setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets
In order to achieve our environmental vision and environmental policy, we set environmental objectives and targets, and review them periodically and revise them as necessary.
- In-house education and enlightenment
Through in-house publicity activities, we will work to raise awareness so that all employees will try to understand and promote the environmental philosophy and policy.
- Public disclosure
We publish this environmental vision and environmental policy so that they can be obtained by the general public.
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