Our History



Established Japan Macnics Corporation in Higashi-Hakuraku, Yokohama City for the purpose of selling electronic components.

Origin of old company name

Chairman Kamiyama image

Origin of old company name

- Embodying the ideals envisioned for the future

"Japan Macnics Corp." That was Macnica 's former name.
"Macnics" is an acronym for "Masters of Advanced Concept in Electronics," and was named after Kamiyama's desire to become an organization of professionals in the electronics industry.


Opened technical service center


Launched the first original planned product “JM-1”


Entered the microcomputer business



Started sales of system products such as microcomputer development support equipment.


Selling in-house developed product “PROMAC10” around the world


Developed Ethernet transceiver "JET101 series"

Entering the Ethernet market

Image of ethernet transceiver

Entering the Ethernet market

- The budding ability to discern cutting-edge technology

In 1982, Ethernet, which would later become the foundation of the Internet, was standardized, and the world changed dramatically.
Macnica was quick to respond to this and developed the Ethernet transceiver "JET101 series" the following year.
This event laid the groundwork for expanding Network business segment and established Macnica 's style of being the first to take on challenges in new fields.


Head office building completed in Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City


Started in-house data writing service for PLD (Programmable Logic Device: IC that users can freely program)



Constructed a new head office building in Midori Ward, Yokohama City, and relocated head office functions from Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City.


Established Altima Corporation


Company name changed from Japan Macnics Corporation to Macnica


Developed SCSI card "MIRACLE SCSI"

Representative products of the 1990s

Chairman Kamiyama image

Representative products of the 1990s


The spread of the Internet has increased the level of technology required for corporate product development.
Meanwhile, Macnica developed and sold original products such as LAN cards and SCSI cards.
This product coincided with the rise of SCSI expansion devices, and became such a huge hit that customers still ask us, "Did you sell SCSI cards back in the day?"


Macnica Shin-Yokohama Building (currently Macnica 2nd Building) opened.



Listed on the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

The beginning of the security business

security image

The beginning of the security business

- With the development of networks, it has become an important issue for companies.

The beginnings of Macnica 's security business date back to 2001.
At the time, theft and loss of PCs was a major issue, and the discovery of a revolutionary technology that encrypted the entire HDD was a turning point.
Since 2003, with the enactment of the Personal Information Protection Law, interest in security has increased, and inquiries from government agencies and large companies have rapidly increased.


Constructed Macnica Building 1 in Shin-Yokohama and relocated head office functions from Midori Ward, Yokohama City.

Representative products of the 2000s

Macnica Daiichi Building Image

Representative products of the 2000s

- Multimedia board “Marbo”

During the heyday of image processing using DSP, Macnica commercialized the interface expansion board "Marbo" with the idea of application in the development of in-vehicle multimedia equipment, drive recorders, kiosk terminals, etc.
In addition, Macnica 's original technology brand "Mpression" has taken this opportunity to develop high-performance FPGA evaluation boards.


Macnica Networks Corp. is established.


Hong Kong's Cytech joins the group

Accelerating overseas expansion through M&A

Hong Kong Cytech Group Group Photo

Accelerating overseas expansion through M&A

- Achieving true integration with an “attitude that emphasizes trust”

Our overseas M&A strategy began in 2008, when the Lehman Shock occurred.
Although it required a lot of investment and time to promote it in-house, Macnica decided that ``speed is essential when entering the Asian local market,'' so we took the plunge without hesitation.
It was because of our open and flat culture that we were able to treat the employees of the merged companies with the utmost respect.



Transferred and integrated distributed logistics and program service functions to Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City.

MAKERS support

Kaori SG Realty Yokohama Photo

MAKERS support

- Protecting the trend of new manufacturing

Since around 2013, there has been a growing momentum for manufacturing using new methods such as 3D printers in the field of electronic device development.
This trend is called the "MAKERS movement."
Macnica supports various activities, including sponsoring the Maker Faire, a festival for MAKERS.


Merged with Fuji Electronics Co., Ltd. and established joint holding company Macnica · Fuji Electronics Holdings, INC.

Integration with Fuji Electronics

Double purity image

Integration with Fuji Electronics

- Water and oil? Success achieved through resistance

In 2015, Macnica merged with Fuji Electronics, which has a proven track record primarily in the field of industrial equipment.
Initially, these two companies were even criticized by the public as ``oil and water'' due to differences in business fields, corporate cultures, and constitutions.
However, now we are bringing together the strengths of both parties, continuing to work together in a spirit of equality, and sharing our efforts and results.


Start of autonomous driving vehicle business

Automotive media converter

autonomous driving vehicle image

Automotive media converter

- Cars are entering the era of connectivity

In order to respond to the era of car networking and CASE, Macnica began developing and selling converters between Ethernet and in-vehicle communication standards in 2017, which are essential for product development.
This is a current hit product and has received numerous inquiries from customers developing automotive-compatible products.


Developed edge computing terminal “SENSPIDER”

Representative products of the 2010s


Representative products of the 2010s

- Evaluation board & development kit

When customers consider IC products, they need a platform that allows them to easily evaluate performance and functionality in an environment similar to production, and to verify concepts before prototyping.
At Macnica, we develop evaluation boards that are fully equipped with the know-how we have cultivated over many years of technical support, planning from an engineer's perspective.


AI business macnica.ai started

Full-scale AI business

Macnica AI image

Full-scale AI business

- Supporting customers' AI implementation

Macnica began working on AI business in 2016.
The biggest impetus was an agreement with NVIDIA, which was attracting attention at the time as a platform that enabled AI learning and execution.
Since 2017, we have been combining IoT and AI to develop business areas such as manufacturing, autonomous driving, and smart infrastructure.


Opening of AI Research and Innovation Hub



Digital Synergy Factory. macnica.ai launched


Start of provision of autonomous driving buses


Brain Tech initiative started




Opened BRAIN AI Innovation Lab.


Merged with Macnica Networks Corp.

Expansion of CPS solutions

Macnica key visual image

Expansion of CPS solutions

- Both OT and IT

In 2021, integration with Macnica Networks Corp. took place.
Starting with this, it has become possible to deploy CPS solutions in various fields such as healthcare, manufacturing, and smart cities.
Macnica 's strength lies in its combination of physical strengths based on semiconductor technology and cyber strengths cultivated through Network business segment.


Macnica Mobility Data Platform (Macnica Mobility Data Platform) launched


Establishment of Our Group's Purpose

The secret story behind the birth Our Group's Purpose

Our Group's Purpose wording image

The secret story behind the birth Our Group's Purpose

- The three “futures” are proof of unyielding feelings

Macnica will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2022. Now that we are looking ahead to our next 50th anniversary and taking on the challenge of business transformation, we need to go back to our roots and redefine Macnica 's raison d'être.
The company's Our Group's Purpose was to ``stand at the forefront of change, explore cutting-edge techniques and knowledge, and envision the future and create the present.''

to be continue…

Macnica Company Information

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