Now and in the Future

Now and in the Future

Birth of Macnica

Image of the birth of Macnica


Established with a few friends for the purpose of selling electronic parts, etc.

Image of Utilizing the world's advanced technology in Japanese manufacturing

Applying the World's Leading-Edge
Technology to Japanese Manufacturing

Macnica has been providing customers, including major electronics and electronics equipment manufacturers in Japan and overseas, with technological value added to new semiconductors, electronic devices, network-related equipment, software, and other products that are emerging and evolving around the world.

Development of Macnica

Remove the Wall Between Japan and Overseas

"I want to make something like this."
Macnica began by collecting technology and wisdom from around the world and making proposals to meet customer needs.

Also, overseas and in Japan
Languages, cultures and business practices are different.
We also played a role in accelerating the customer's business with our coordination ability to fill in the gaps.


Proposals and Sales Combining
Cutting-edge Technology

With Discerning Eyes and Arranging Skills

Macnica has focused on technical support and has evolved its technology.
Ahead of the industry, we have established a business style that emphasizes technical support.
We established a new image of a trading company as a "technical trading company".

Module Board Design

Design services with
in-house developed IP

Demand Creation

From providing technology trend information
We even make proposals to streamline the development process.
For increasingly sophisticated and complex manufacturing sites
Providing unique added value,
Unearthing latent customer demand
Developed into a “demand creation” type company.

Working Closely with Customers
to Solve All Kinds of Technical Issues

Every Corner of Your Life

The technological added value provided by Macnica is
communication infrastructure, home appliances,
office equipment, car/railroad driving systems,
Precision equipment in hospitals, manufacturing equipment
 in factories, etc. It supports every aspect of life.

With Development

Connecting technology and experience to create products that customers truly want
Build comprehensive strength to provide solutions faster than anyone else


Cutting-Edge Technology

Technology Solution
Proposal Ability

Development Support Service


Demand & Value

Numbers Representing Macnica

group sales images

Group Sales

1 Trillion Yen

What has driven us to become the No. 1 company in Japan is the passion that we should be able to create a more prosperous society if we make full use of the power of technology.
This has not changed, even 40 years ago when we were founded with just a few people, and even now when we have grown to nearly 4,000 people.

Images of global business development

Global Business Development

92 locations in 26 countries/regions

One in three employees is a global human resource.
We promote our business in diversity, transcending national and cultural borders.
In addition, we are constantly updating the latest technical information and delivering products that meet the needs of each country.

Percentage of technicians to employees image

Percentage of Engineers to Employees

1 in 3

As well as generous technical support,
The knowledge of our engineers is essential for meticulous response, from planning and proposal capabilities such as consulting and solutions.
Macnica is well versed in technology and is particular about the composition of its personnel in order to provide "high added value" to customers.

The Future of Macnica

By Digital Technology
Now that the World is About to Change Dramatically,
Step Into the Future.

From areas we never imagined
Introducing a new service
It becomes so obvious that it is indispensable
The time is coming.
Macnica leverages the strengths it has cultivated to
of companies emerging in new fields
We aim to be a good partner.

As Needs Change,
Deriving the Technology We Have Cultivated,
Business in New Fields 
We Are Making Steady Progress.


Cutting-Edge Technology

Technology Solution
Proposal Ability

Development Support Service


Demand & Value

Into New Business Areas
Expand Know-How

Autonomous Driving

The spread of AI, IoT, 5G communication, etc.
For industries and companies that are far from IT
"Let's try something new!"
It is connected to momentum.
Therefore, Macnica
In addition to our traditional distribution business,
To a field where needs are rapidly increasing
We have expanded our business portfolio.

State-of-the-Art Technology for All Companies

Furthermore, until now, the use of digital technology
For industries and companies that were far from us,
Access advanced technology for innovation
We will do our best to stay close to our customers.

Connecting Technology and Intelligence,
Create High Social Value
Services & Solutions Provider

Seed sowing MACNICA