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Features of the seminar

The basics of soft errors and their countermeasures in 15 minutes

A soft error is a phenomenon that is mainly caused by radiation, and is a phenomenon that destroys the data stored in the semiconductor devices that make up electronic equipment.

If the stored data is damaged, the semiconductor device will not be able to function normally, and it will affect the normal operation of the system and even our social infrastructure. For example, if an unknown failure occurs in systems such as automobiles, infrastructure systems, and industrial robots, it is assumed that a large amount of damage will occur.

Furthermore, in recent years, "functional safety standards" such as ISO26262 and IEC61508 also treat soft errors as a subject to be considered.

In this seminar, it is a seminar that explains from the content such as "what is soft error in the first place" to the countermeasures.
[Participation benefits] For those who have answered the questionnaire after watching, we will give you this lecture material (PDF)!
*This seminar consists of two parts. Please watch the second part of the seminar.
[On-Demand Seminar] Countermeasures against Soft Errors Using FD-SOI Process - About Lattice's Nexus Series - <Free>

Recommended for people like this!

・ Those who want to know what soft errors are in the first place
・ Those who want to deepen their understanding of soft errors
・ Those who want to know the cause of soft errors
・ Those who want to know measures against soft errors


time content
about 15 minutes

Find out in 15 minutes! Fundamentals of soft errors and their countermeasures

1. Overview of soft errors
2. Indicators (parameters) used in soft errors
3. Three causes
- alpha rays
- High energy neutron beam
- thermal neutron beam
4. What can be done as soft error countermeasures


Instructor profile

Lattice Semiconductor FAE

Katsuo Sakajiri

FPGAエンジニアとして25年間 設計/販売業務に従事

Qualified with ISO26262/IEC61508 Engineer Certificates

Organized and operated

Sponsor: Macnica

Sponsored by: Lattice Semiconductor


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