Thorough explanation! Lattice Diamond Archive Seminar
Can I teach my colleagues and juniors how to generate IP, analyze timing, and observe internal nodes with Lattice Diamond?
"Quartus Prime" for Intel Corporation and "vivado" for Xilinx are design tools.
Located in a similar tool is "Lattice Diamond".
In this archive seminar, we will introduce the basic usage of Lattice Diamond.
Since it is divided into the following items, it is possible to watch only the part that interests you.

[Diamond Archive Seminar]
1.First of all
2. Create a project
3. RTL and IP generation
4. Logical simulation
5. Place and Route and Timing Constraint/Analysis
6. Programming
7. Internal Node Observation
Please enter the necessary information from the archive seminar application button below and apply.
We will share the sample design and seminar materials used in this seminar only for those who have applied!
It will be a permanent seminar, so please join us at a time that is convenient for you.