Intel: I want to use only the Quartus® Prime Programmer feature, do I need a license?

Quartus Prime

Category: Configuration/Programming
Tools: Quartus® Prime / Quartus® II

The Quartus Prime Programmer feature does not require a license.

In Quartus Prime, please use Quartus Prime Programmer and Tools or Quartus Prime Pro Edition Programmer and Tools limited to the following functions.
-Quartus Prime Programmer
・System Console
・SignalTap Logic Analyzer

Each software is downloaded from the Intel website  I can do it. (Please refer to the figure below for the procedure.)
note that,
For programming with Standard Edition or Lite Edition FPGAs, refer to the Quartus Prime Programmer and Tools,
Quartus Prime Pro Edition Programmer and Tools for programming related to Pro Edition FPGAs
please use.

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