Intel: A Gen3 compatible Endpoint device is inserted into a Gen4 compatible PCIe slot, but it is not recognized correctly. What could be the cause?

Arria PCI Express

Category: PCI Express
Tools: Quartus® Prime
Device: Arria® 10

PCIe IP configured with Gen3 does not support DLLP supported by Gen4 standard,
Initialization does not complete normally because it is treated as an unsupported request.
To avoid this problem, disable "Data Link Feature Exchange" in BIOS or HOST settings.
For detailed register information, see PCIe Base Specification 4.0, Data Link Feature Capabilities Register (Offset 04h).

[FPGA Knowledge Base]
Intel® Arria® 10 Gen3 PCIe* Endpoint is not compatible with PCIe* Gen4 capable system.

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