
tie set

Federated Learning Platform for the Edge Computing Era

Do you have a problem like this?

  • high cost
    High costs due to increased computing resources and network resources for handling huge amounts of data generated from IoT devices
  • delay
    Difficulty in realizing real-time processing due to data processing delay
  • privacy
    Privacy protection concerns due to information collection from customers and users
Do you have a problem like this?

"TieSet's STADLE™", a federated learning platform that assumes learning processing in a distributed environment, solves these problems

  • STADLE™ collects only the parameters of the edge AI's local AI model, generates a global model that integrates them on the cloud AI side, and returns them to the edge AI side, making it possible to promote edge AI learning.
  • Since raw data is not shared, conventional problems of pressure on computing and network resources and processing delays are resolved.
  • Mitigate the risk of identity theft from data sharing and provide a high level of privacy protection
Overview of STADLE™ (associative learning framework)
Do you have a problem like this?

[Point 1] Multiple functions to accelerate AI learning

Features of TieSet STADLE™

Features of TieSet STADLE™

[Point2] Overwhelming intelligence

Compared to AI estimation with edge alone, it can reach the optimal solution faster.

[Point2] Overwhelming intelligence

[Point 3] Application areas where the use of TieSet's STADLE™ is expected

TieSet's STADLE™ protects personal information, can be used in a distributed environment, and is capable of real-time processing. ) are expected to be used in the automotive field.

Features of TieSet STADLE™

Core features of STADLE™

Core features of STADLE™

Distributed horizontal scaling with Kubernetes

Common federated learning platforms cannot scale horizontally and end up constructing a single global model (aggregation of cluster models) for all devices. However, the global model may not be suitable for some attributes. TieSet's STADLE™ allows you to flexibly form multiple semi-global models to improve model performance.

Optimize AI functions with regional attributes
Optimize AI functions with user attributes

company description

company name TieSet Inc.
Established 2020
location Santa Clara, California, United States
representative Kiyoshi Nakayama
website https://tieset.com/

Inquiry/Document request

In charge of Macnica TieSet Co., Ltd.

Weekdays: 9:00-17:00