Qualcomm® Connectivity Products and Services


Connectivity related

Qualcomm Aware Platform

The Qualcomm Aware Platform is an IoT solution developed by Qualcomm that is equipped with multiple sensors for location information, temperature and humidity, shock detection when dropped, tilt, and illuminance.
The sensor terminals are linked to the cloud, allowing customers to immediately use the information acquired by the sensors as a management system, including visualization.

Semiconductors, AI-related

For semiconductor products such as Snapdragon, which is widely used in smartphones, Cellular 5G/LTE/LPWA, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/RFFE Filter Products,
Please refer to the following page.
▶See the "Qualcomm Semiconductor Related" page

Manufacturer basic information

company name Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
main office
United States San Diego
Established 1985
Company Profile Qualcomm® is a mobile communications technology company headquartered in California, USA. Founded in San Diego in 1985, the company is known for its 3G mobile phone communications technology "CDMA" and mobile chipset "Snapdragon™". Through innovative technology development, the company provides semiconductors and software for mobile, IoT, automotive, networking, voice & music, and more.
website https://www.qualcomm.com/

Inquiry / Quotation

For inquiries or quotation requests, please contact us using the button below.

Macnica FINESSE Company Inc.
Qualcomm Aware​ ​Product Manager