Growth is “manageable”

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Plant factories are expected to be a solution to various social problems. However, at present, the plants that can pay the production cost are limited to some leafy vegetables.

Many "walls" still exist in order to realize the originally expected "sustainable plant factory that stably produces a wide variety of plants."

From the perspective of social implementation of plant factories, there is a limit to the method of assigning suitable plants to the current plant factory, and the next phase is required To realize a flexible and profitable plant factory that fits a wide variety of plants is.

To realize a flexible and profitable plant factory, we provide a system that supports the search for recipes (cultivation plans) for high-cost plants using AI and sensing.

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Two pillars that enable recipe (cultivation plan) search

1Hold assets specializing in plant factory support

Agricultural DX support track record for over 10 companies
Possess verifiable cultivation facilities (experimental equipment) that realize plant factories
More than 350 cases* Knowledge of AI social implementation
* Achievements in manufacturing, agriculture, construction, finance, education, etc.

2 Relationships with more than 30 specialized technological innovation partners

Providing know-how for IoT sensing data collection and analysis such as temperature and humidity, solar radiation, CO2 amount, water temperature, etc.
Other partners and relationships with special technology as needed
We support the search and development of optimal recipes for plant factories that handle high-cost plants that are difficult to grow and mass-produce.

Powerful support for recipe searches through a combination of AI and sensing technology

See the information you need at a glance

By appropriately combining each technology, "environmental data" such as temperature and humidity, amount of solar radiation, amount of CO2, and water temperature can be acquired.

Firmly learn about individual differences

From the image data using the camera, the object detection AI model acquires "growth data" such as the density of the leaves of the plant, the state of the leaves, and the size of the stem, and analyzes, updates, and saves the optimal recipe by comparing it with the environmental data. can.

“Japanese Wasabi” recipe search support has started

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