How to not capture certain events

release date
last updated
Splunk Enterprise 9.1.0
When importing log data, you can filter specific log data by using the transforms.conf settings (REGEX, FORMAT, DEST_KEY). Please use this to exclude and import events that include header lines or specific character strings.
Reference information

Procedure to filter specific events by regular expression and prevent them from being imported


  • Specify the events to be excluded in transforms.conf using regular expressions.

Create /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/transforms.conf if it does not exist.

[null1]※ REGEX = <正規表現A>※ DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = nullQueue [null2]※ REGEX = <正規表現B>※ DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = nullQueue

Setting example: When excluding events that include the character string msg=aaa or msg=bbb and importing

				REGEX =msg\=aaa
				DEST_KEY = queue
				FORMAT = nullQueue
				REGEX =msg\=bbb
				DEST_KEY = queue
				FORMAT = nullQueue;


  • Be sure to save in UTF-8.
  • In transforms.conf, "DEST_KEY" and "FORMAT" parts do not need to be changed.
  • Regular expression A and regular expression B must contain regular expressions that match the strings you want to exclude.

* Please set the marked part (stanza name, regular expression) according to your company's environment.

  • In props.conf, add the ingestion configuration below the existing line of the log source type.

[<source type name>]TRANSFORMS-null=null1,null2

Setting example: Setting for source type test



  • The above is the setting for the source type, but it can also be applied to the host and source in addition to the source type.
  • Setting value description method TRANSFORMS-<unique class name>=<stanza name used in transforms.conf>
  • Here, the class name is null, and null1 and null2 are used in the transforms.conf settings, so they are set on the right side of the equals, separated by commas.
  • Restart Splunk.


  • Configuration is done on the index server (or heavy forwarder). (Cannot be set on the universal forwarder)
  • Only events that are captured after the setting is made are considered. Events that have already been captured will not be deleted.

that's all