What is the difference between SSE and SASE?

Two years after the proposal of SASE (Secure Access Service Edge), Gartner proposed SSE (Security Service Edge). SASE integrates SD-WAN and cloud-native security (FWaaS, CASB, SWG, ZTNA,) into a single cloud service. SSE sets a more limited range of converged network security capabilities consisting of SWG, CASB/DLP and ZTNA. SSE is a subset of SASE that focuses on providing secure access to applications and does not address end-to-end network connectivity optimization or east-west WAN security. In the future, employees will return to the office, and to strengthen the security of the hybrid work environment, it will be necessary to migrate to a zero-trust network environment using SASE, which protects security regardless of access from anywhere.

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