Mpression Cyber Security Service™

Mpression Cyber Security Service™


Comprehensive visualization of the IT assets of domestic and overseas group companies through the use of high-precision ASM services Enables countermeasures against security risks and contributes to strengthening group governance

Point of introduction

  • Highly accurate survey results were obtained by eliminating noise (IT asset information not owned by the company), contributing to a reduction in man-hours.
  • Comprehensively visualized the IT assets of each group company, including global ones, and discovered more than 10 risky IT assets
  • By visualizing high-risk IT assets, we were able to deal with risks and strengthen governance.

The SEGA SAMMY Holdings group consists of approximately 60 group companies in Japan and overseas. Due to the nature of the entertainment industry, each company owns a large number of brands, but it is said that they were not able to properly manage all of their IT assets. The company commissioned a service to investigate past IT assets from another research company, but the investigation results contained a lot of noise (IT asset information not actually owned by the company). , the time and cost required to sort out which group company's IT assets belonged to became a major problem. Therefore, Sega Sammy Holdings selected a service based on requirements such as high survey accuracy, low operational effort, and no burden on the existing environment, and adopted Macnica 's Attack Surface Management service.
Introducing the deciding factors and effects of Sega Sammy Holdings' introduction of the Attack Surface Management service.

Inquiry/Document request

In charge of Macnica Security Service Co., Ltd.

Mon-Fri 8:45-17:30