Intel: What is the value of tMET needed to calculate MTBF?

Quartus Prime Timing Constraints/Analysis

Category: Timing Constraint/Analysis
Tools: Quartus® Prime
Device: All

Unlike the simple devices of the old process, the current mainstream complex devices of the fine process do not provide simple tMET and C1/C2 under silicon conditions. is calculated by
Therefore, recommended circuits and settings for improving MTBF are provided.
Make sure the MTBF meets your company's metrics by setting the SDC correctly, adding a Synchronization Register Chain, etc.

■ Reference materials

Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations /p.166 3. How the Intel Quartus Prime Software Manages Metastability

[A must-see for RTL design beginners] Impact on the system when asynchronous signals are input

FAQ: How do I read the TimeQuest MTBF report?

Asynchronous clocks and verification method-2: What is metastable?

Timing & Implementation Design Debugging Guidelines

RTL asynchronous data transfer verification tool / Questa CDC

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