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white paper

Pitfalls of Zero Trust - New Security Countermeasures against Identity Threats ITDR - PDF NEW

Information that identifies and identifies an individual, such as an ID, user name, PIN, and password, is called a “credential”. In this white paper, we will explain in detail how to protect important IDs linked to those assets and what security measures should be taken.

Why can XDR improve security maturity? PDF

In this white paper, in addition to the definition and components of XDR, we will introduce a wide range of differences between existing solutions and XDR, and the verification results of actual XDR effects.

What is "XDR" PDF

Advanced threat detection for businesses without security experts

Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and sophisticated every year. Despite implementing various measures such as multi-layered defense with anti-virus products and perimeter defense, threat detection with EDR and NDR, etc. In addition, there are many issues such as the increasing burden of security operations. In light of these issues, "XDR" is a solution that utilizes machine learning technology to realize advanced threat detection while reducing the operational burden, such as handling over-detection. This white paper focuses on such XDR and explains it in detail.

Advanced security operations become a reality with XDR! ? From chasing operation to improvement-oriented aggressive operationPDF

"XDR" is a solution that achieves advanced threat detection while reducing the operational load, such as handling over-detection. In this white paper, we explain the operational issues that XDR can specifically solve, divided into "collection", "detection", and "analysis/response".

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white paper

Points to consider when selecting an Attack Surface Management solution
What is being targeted are externally disclosed assets! ?
5.28MB/12P PDF

In recent years, breaches via servers exposed to the outside world account for 60-70% of serious incidents in Japan and overseas. For this reason, it has become extremely important to use Attack Surface Management (ASM), which involves firmly understanding and appropriately managing servers exposed to the outside world, including those of overseas offices and subsidiaries related to the company. In this white paper, we at Macnica, which has accumulated knowledge through handling multiple products and in-house developed services related to ASM, will discuss the issues and trends in tackling ASM that we have learned through conversations with various global companies. I would like to introduce you to In addition, while comparing these, we will also introduce the key points for selecting a solution that we know from Macnica, which handles multiple solutions, along with the characteristics of each solution.

The Importance of Attack Surface Management to Accurately Understand Your Attack Surface PDF

Due to the increase in telework in line with changes in social conditions, companies have begun to disclose information assets such as servers, network equipment, and systems to the outside. Under these circumstances, there are an increasing number of cases where externally disclosed assets are exploited as a new route of unauthorized intrusion. It's not just your company's externally exposed assets that are at risk. There have been many reports of inadequate management of overseas bases and cases of information being stolen from business partners. Many companies are aware of these security risks, but many say that they don't know how to deal with them. Therefore, this time, we will explain "Attack Surface Management" (understanding and dealing with areas that may be attacked), which is important as a countermeasure against security risks, and provide concrete solutions to the problems that companies face. Introducing

Case study

Aica Kogyo Co., Ltd.1.98MB /2P PDF NEW

Implemented "answer matching" on security measures using SecurityScorecard, and also introduced ASM service to dig deeper into the status of strength scoring.

AICA Kogyo, which is actively expanding overseas, is switching to multi-layered defense and introducing NGAV and EDR, as well as conducting targeted email attack training, e-learning to raise security awareness, and providing information from all group personnel. We have implemented initiatives to strengthen security measures, such as sharing. We also want to make governance more effective than ever at our overseas group companies, so we have conducted a survey on our security initiatives once every six months, but we are not sure if the answers accurately reflect the situation at the head office. I couldn't shake the suspicion that there might be hidden problems that we weren't aware of. Therefore, we decided to conduct a third-party evaluation, and introduced SecurityScorecard and ASM services as a method for doing so.
We will introduce the reasons for selection and the effects of implementation.

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In charge of Macnica XDR Co., Ltd.

Mon-Fri 8:45-17:30