Cloud/next-generation gateway security

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Container Security Starts Right Now ~Risks hidden in Build/Ship/Run and countermeasures against them~ PDF NEW

Container technology is rapidly gaining popularity due to the benefits of using lightweight containers that run in virtual environments, reducing creation and deployment times, and the ability to be reused. However, there are a wide variety of security issues that need to be cleared when using container technology in the business scene. In this article, along with the characteristics of container technology, we will clarify the overall picture of security issues that should be considered, and explain what points should be kept in mind when implementing measures in each phase.

Choosing cloud security that you won't regret "6 perspectives" Security in the cloud environment, what kind of issues should be considered? ? PDF

As many companies accelerate their efforts toward digital transformation, cloud services are widely used as an indispensable part of their business infrastructure. As important data is now stored in the cloud as a matter of course, new security measures are required. What perspectives are important in creating the environment necessary for security measures in such a cloud environment? I would like to consider the optimal solution for cloud security required by companies today and the key points in choosing it, while grasping the unique characteristics of the cloud.

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