

Sift - User case - istyle Co., Ltd.

Combined use of Sift and EMV 3D Secure (3D Secure 2) realizes anti-fraud measures that avoid the risk of cart abandonment

Sift - User Case Study - Company A, a major cosmetics brand

Sift protects EC site sales floors in combination with EMV 3D Secure (3D Secure 2.0), a card fraud countermeasure that can be introduced in linked payments

Sift - User case -freee K.K

Freee Co., Ltd. (hereafter, freee) supports the back-office operations of small and medium-sized enterprises with SaaS, with the mission of “making small businesses the leading players in the world”. What the company, which has achieved rapid growth with a freemium strategy, could not overlook was the behavior of suspicious users who abused free accounts.

Sift - User Case -Yoshinoya, Ltd.

Yoshinoya sells “Yoshinoya Beef Bowl” on its own EC site, where you can enjoy the taste of the store at home. The number of chargebacks has decreased to less than 10% due to the introduction of the "fraud prevention service (Sift)", and both the growth of the EC site and the "security that prevents baskets from being dropped".

Sift - User Case -Loco Partners, Inc.

Hundreds of “fraudulent accounts” were successfully discovered in “Relux”, a hotel and ryokan accommodation reservation service, and the amount of chargebacks decreased by about 60% in one year.

Sift - User case study -au Commerce & Life, Inc., Ltd.

93% reduction in chargebacks and 75% reduction in manual review time after 1 year of operation