

What is Mandiant

Mandiant is a technology company with industry-leading experience, insight and intelligence in cybersecurity and cyber defense.
Since our establishment in 2003, we have responded to numerous serious security breach incidents, and have earned the trust of our customers along with our track record.

To protect you from the threat of cyberattacks and to help you confidently prepare for potential breaches, we bring experience, insight and intelligence from the front lines of attack and defense into a range of cyber defense solutions.

What is Mandiant

More than 300 researchers and analysts are available. Supports over 30 languages in 26 countries

What is Mandiant


What is Mandiant

Over 17 years of breach investigation data, experience, knowledge and intelligence


Mandiant Security Validation

Mandiant Security Validation is a product that visualizes installed security products and advises on optimal deployment.
You can optimize security measures by clarifying "visualization of problems in the existing security environment", "whether or not there is duplication of investment", and "mistakes in configuration/settings".


  • Verification of effectiveness against real threats based on actual attacks and their TTPs
  • Reduces risks due to environmental changes such as setting changes and version upgrades
  • Validate all stages of the attack lifecycle
  • Visualize return on investment and performance with dashboards
  • Immediate response to the latest threats including active attacks and disclosed vulnerabilities

Attack surface management

Remote work has increased due to changes in work styles, and network connections via VPN have increased. Attackers are targeting vulnerabilities in assets exposed to the Internet that are poorly managed, such as VPNs, as the next attack point for Web/mail.
The Attack surface mangement provided by Mandiant exposes your company's public internet assets.
In addition, it is possible to visualize the risks of cyberattacks hidden in your assets and use them for your own security measures.

  • Understand the company's Internet-published assets and visualize the risks of cyberattacks hidden therein
  • Execute active and passive type scans for the identified vulnerabilities of your company's public assets on the Internet, and search deeper for vulnerability information.
  • For discovered vulnerabilities, risk prioritization based on Mandiant's years of experience in cyberattacks

Expertise On-Demand (EOD)

A subscription service that allows you to purchase annual prepaid units (≒tickets) to pre-engage Mandiant Threat Intelligence and Mandiant Consulting Services and use them when you need them.

This service is for those who are considering the following security measures.

  • I want expert insights on the latest threat trends
  • 今起きている事象の調査・解析を迅速に進めたい
  • I want to contract with a highly reliable incident response retainer
  • You want to bring the knowledge and support of security experts to your security team
  • I want to respond to incidents immediately by sharing the environment with Mandiant in advance
  • Skill improvement through various training

Threat Intelligence

As threats that evade conventional detection measures become more active, there is an increasing need to understand the purpose, TTP, activity status, etc. of attacks and utilize them in defense measures.
Mandiant's threat intelligence consists of more than 300 researchers and analysts in 26 countries constantly tracking 3,000 attack groups and analyzing their trails in detail.


  • Real-time access to more Mandiant threat intelligence in addition to FINTEL (Finished Intel: Reports).
  • Utilize IOC in SIEM of own SOC
  • Realize advanced cyber security measures by linking to threat hunting and security diagnosis

Inquiry/Document request

In charge of Macnica Mandiant Co., Ltd.

Mon-Fri 8:45-17:30