Intel: I am doing single port RAM generation and doing RTL simulation, but "altera_syncram" cannot find the module in "altera_mf.v", resulting in a simulation error. Please let me know the location of the library file where "altera_syncram" is defined.


Category: Simulation
Tools: various simulators

altera_syncram is included in the altera_lnsim library, so
<Quartus installation>/eda/sim_lib/
If you compile it, you can use it.

There is also a method of manually creating (compiling) a simulation library like this,
There are Nativelink simulations (Standard / Lite Edition compatible) and methods to generate simulation scripts for IP (Pro Edition compatible).
Please refer to the following content for how to use each function.

Let NativeLink solve your FPGA function simulation
How to Functionally Simulate a Design with Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Generated IP in ModelSim

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