
Intel Agilex® FPGA is a cutting-edge FPGA that can maximize performance while reducing power consumption by optimizing the process and architecture compared to conventional FPGAs.

This document summarizes the procedure and precautions for replacing a design designed for another company's FPGA with an Intel Agilex® FPGA along the actual replacement flow. By performing the replacement work according to this document, you will be able to smoothly migrate your design to the Intel® FPGA.
This document creates a new Intel® Quartus® Prime project and compiles it on Intel® Quartus® Prime by step-by-step translating the RTL, black-Box the specific functions and translating the constraint file. Create a possible design.



1. About the design flow

2. Replace project

3. Macro/IP replacement

4. XDC replacement

5. Check the compilation report

6. Whitebox IP


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