Enhanced management functions along with the renewal of Splunk Web UI!

Major additions in Splunk Enterprise 7.1

今回リリースされた「Splunk Enterprise 7.1」では、下記の機能が追加されています。

Splunk Web UI renewal

  • The GUI of Splunk Web has been renewed.

Add password policy setting

  • A password policy setting has been added to enable more secure account operation.
    1. Password requirements (complexity, history)
    2. Lockout function

Metrics enhancement

  • Search performance has been improved by improving the metrics data storage index.
  • Added commands to convert log data to metrics data: mcollect/meventcollect.

Store data in metric index

View stored metric data

Enhanced clustering function

  • A function has been added to minimize the impact of maintenance on indexer clusters and search head clusters.

Searchable Rolling Upgrade:
Minimize the impact on search operations during upgrades.

Manual Detention:
This is used when you want to remove a specific search head cluster member from the cluster for maintenance purposes.

Added component monitoring function via REST API

  • Component monitoring via REST API now adds a Health Status display to the menu bar on Splunk Web. In the event of a failure, you can see the cause and related log information.

Added Diag acquisition function from Splunk Web

Diag * can now be obtained from Splunk Web.

*Failure analysis file used for support inquiries (including internal log information, etc.)

Click here for function information of past and other versions