Silicon Labs CP210x: Multiple Windows 10 drivers available, what are the differences?


Silicon Labs has published three types of drivers for Windows 10 on its website. (as of March 5, 2018)

  1. Download for Windows 10 Universal (v10.1.1).... (a)
  2. Download for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (v6.7.5)
    • VCP... (b)
    • VCP with Serial Enumeration ... (c)

(b) and (c) are conventional drivers.
Originally, only drivers that supported the Serial Enumeration function were provided, and if the function was not needed, the function was turned off.
However, considering the fact that there are not many customers using the Serial Enumeration function, and that the Serial Enumeration function has many problems, we decided to offer both (b) without the Serial Enumeration function and (c) with the Serial Enumeration function. We are going to provide drivers.

(a) is a universal driver supported from Windows 10 RS3. It is designed to work on Windows 10 based derivative OS (like Windows 10 mobile).
Information on universal drivers is also available on the Silicon Labs community site, so please check that as well.

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