NVIDIA Corporation


For more than 20 years, NVIDIA has pioneered visual computing, the art and science of computer graphics. We offer purpose-built platforms for gaming, professional visualization, data center and automotive markets. NVIDIA's research is at the forefront of critical technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence and self-driving cars.

AI/Artificial Intelligence Board Microcomputer/Processor/DSP

Manufacturer basic information

company name NVIDIA Corporation
main office
Santa Clara, California, USA
Established April 1993
Number of Employees about 12,000
Company Profile For more than 20 years, NVIDIA has pioneered visual computing, the art and science of computer graphics. We offer purpose-built platforms for gaming, professional visualization, data center and automotive markets. NVIDIA's research is at the forefront of critical technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence and self-driving cars.
website http://www.nvidia.co.jp/

Contact information

Macnica CLAVIS Company

Macnica Building 1, 1-6-3 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 222-8561

Inquiries by Email

Inquiries by Phone

Reception: Weekdays 09:00-17:00