What is Digital Adoption? Explanation of advantages and issues

Introduction (Background for Digital Adoption)

Due to the introduction of telework and the shift of business systems to the cloud, many companies have introduced multiple SaaS and software, accelerating digital transformation (DX). On the other hand, the IT literacy of each user varies, and it is difficult for all users to master them. There are many cases in which the proper usage is not established.

The challenges in introducing such SaaS and software are increasing day by day, making it an unavoidable theme for many companies. Therefore, this time, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner about "digital adoption", which solves these problems and promotes the realization of DX, based on its advantages and challenges.

table of contents

  • What is Digital Adoption
  • 3 advantages of the digital adoption platform
  • Common Issues from the Perspective of Administrators/Users of Digital Adoption Platforms
  • Digital Adoption with Pendo + α

What is Digital Adoption

  • Digital adoption means providing an environment in which anyone can use software autonomously, efficiently improving user satisfaction (CX) and productivity based on user utilization data, and maximizing the effects of software introduction. It is a way of thinking to draw out to.
    The solution that achieves this is called a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP).
  • By introducing DAP, when using SaaS or software, the manual will be displayed as a "guide" on the operating screen, so users will be able to operate intuitively. In addition, a resident "help button" is installed on the screen, so you can always ask for follow-up when you have trouble with the operation.
  • Although the word is still unfamiliar, it is a field that is currently attracting attention as various companies, regardless of industry, industry, or size, have begun to consider introducing it.

Three benefits of introducing a digital adoption platform

What are the benefits of using DAP? In this article, we will discuss three benefits.

Merit 1. Maximize cost effectiveness by maximizing SaaS/software functions

Due to the difference in IT literacy between users and the difficulty of operating each software, it is not uncommon for newly introduced software to not be utilized. Also, in order to prevent usage that ignores the policy, I think that there are many companies that use it with some functions restricted.

In such a situation, the software introduced and developed cannot be fully utilized, and the investment is wasted.

By using DAP, resistance to new software can be minimized, so anyone can master new software at the same level regardless of "differences in IT literacy".

Merit 2. Cost reduction during software installation (Post)

Common processes after installing software include creating manuals, conducting seminars, and responding to inquiries at the support desk.
They prepare content according to each user's literacy and company policy, which takes time and effort. In addition, there are many cases where the support desk is outsourced, and in that case, costs will be incurred.

What is the effect on the above introduction costs? It is not uncommon for people to not see the manuals that they have worked so hard to read, or not to participate in the seminars. Also, in the early stages of implementation, the support desk is overwhelmed with similar inquiries, and that alone can consume resources.

DAP easily realizes a "manualless" world. As a result, you can significantly reduce the "costs" that were incurred during introduction, such as manual creation, training sessions, and function restrictions that were set individually. In addition, since it encourages users to use it autonomously, it improves their self-solving ability and leads to the "standardization" of inquiry content.

Merit 3. Eliminates the hassle of frequently updating manuals

When installing software, I think the general flow is to create a manual and spread it to inform users of its use. However, in the case of cloud services, since services and new functions are updated frequently, the problem is that manuals that have been prepared can quickly become outdated. Also, since the manual is updated every time the service is updated, the manual may exceed 100 pages. As a result, users cannot find the information they want in a limited amount of time.

DAP replaces conventional manual onboarding (human adaptation), such as manual creation and updating, with target software and user support on the software screen simply by installing it as a set. is easy to handle, and for users, it can be established (Product Led) simply by using the software as usual.

From the above three advantages, it can be said that digital adoption is a new post-implementation mechanism that creates mutual benefits for software administrators and users.

Effects of introducing a digital adoption platform

Effects of introducing a digital adoption platform

Common challenges from the perspective of administrators/users when implementing a digital adoption platform

What are the common challenges when using DAP? I will introduce it from two perspectives, the perspective of the administrator and the perspective of the user.

Manager's perspective

  • It is difficult to look back after implementing the digital adoption platform
    In implementing DAP, the scope of the administrator's responsibility ranges from implementing guides to user onboarding. However, it is not possible to grasp whether the implemented guide is not skipped by the user and whether the DAP is producing the appropriate effect. Even if you try to check the above with the software you are using, the granularity of the log varies depending on the software, and it is often difficult to visualize the unified usage status. In order to properly utilize and invest in software, it is important to collect usage data by users and analyze it.
    In addition, as information to be visualized, not only quantitative data such as the number of active users, but also qualitative data such as user comments are used, and turning the PDCA cycle using DAP leads to efficient onboarding. It's the point.
  • It takes time to implement due to the waterfall type introduction method
    Most of the normal DAP products are carefully designed at the time of implementation and are mostly waterfall type with coding.
Manager's perspective

As I mentioned at the beginning, DX has been progressing in recent years, and corporate business is changing rapidly. Under such circumstances, the waterfall cycle needs to be redesigned from scratch every time the specifications change, and it is necessary to improve the speed of digital adaptation.

user perspective

  • Since the guide is displayed everywhere, it can be a hindrance to work
    A DAP guide will pop up to the user. Therefore, the user can intuitively operate it, which is effective for the establishment of the software.
    However, since this guide is set in various places where onboarding is required, the guide will be displayed everywhere, and it will have the opposite effect of being intrusive and not being able to see it.
    Therefore, it is necessary to set the guide so that it is displayed at the "minimum necessary and pinpoint", considering the timing of display and the target user attributes.

Digital Adoption with Pendo + α

“Software and SaaS establishment” is a common issue faced by all companies regardless of industry size, and digital adoption is indispensable for the success of DX.

Let's take a look at the digital adoption that can be achieved with "Pendo," handled by Macnica.

Pendo has excellent analysis functions for collecting quantitative (usage data) and qualitative (user questionnaire) data and visualizing logs, as well as functions to guide user operations. The feature is that it can be provided in a mold.

Digital Adoption with Pendo + α
Digital Adoption with Pendo + α

Since it is possible to collect and analyze user usage data, it is possible to accumulate both quantitative and qualitative data that could not be used until now from the administrator's perspective, calculate the cost-effectiveness of the software used, and turn the PDCA cycle. It will be possible. In addition, based on this data, we group (segment) the characteristics of each user and provide support together with content tailored to each user according to the growth of the user.

Therefore, from the user's point of view, it not only intuitively encourages use, but also provides support that is close to the user without interfering with work with a "minimum necessary and pinpoint" guide.

Analyzing user behavior and optimizing for individual needs without interfering with work

How about adopting the concept of digital adoption in your company to maximize the effect of software introduction?

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