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Citrix Ready

Exceed 15 English version and Secure Shell 15 English version have been certified as "Citrix Ready" in order to provide superior operational stability in a virtualized environment combined with Citrix's XenApp and XenDesktop. We will provide support for the Japanese version as well.

However, please note that in some cases, Exceed may not be able to respond to phenomena that depend on the Citrix environment (such as those that do not occur on the actual machine).

product name version
XenApp XenApp 7.0
XenApp 7.1
XenApp 7.16
XenApp 7.5
XenApp 7.6
XenDesktop Citrix Cloud XenApp and XenDesktop Service (Exceed 15 only)
Citrix Receiver for Windows
XenDesktop 7.16