What is ADD Venture?

As everything is connected in the Internet space, the importance of CPS (Cyber-Physical-System) that connects cyber and physical is being emphasized.

To achieve this, we need strengths in both cyber and physical expertise. Macnica is one of the few companies that has strengths in both semiconductors, networks, and AI.

  1. Add value that exceeds customer expectations.
  2. As a road guide in the VUCA era, where it is difficult to see the future, we accompany our customers on their adventures.
  3. Challenge everything with the venture spirit of the 1st Penguin.

how to implement the plan
Realization-oriented DX consulting "ADD Venture"

The realization of DX has a deep valley between planning and realization. We define this as the "Valley of Realization of Consulting" and promise to overcome this valley by becoming a good partner for our customers.

Valley of Realization ~Dilemma between Planning and Realization~

Struggling to realize the plan! How to Overcome the “Valley of Realization”

Planning and execution are always dilemmas.

For example, have you ever had an experience where you did a thorough research and made a plan, but encountered something unexpected during the execution stage, or found it difficult to do something you thought was easy?
If you replace it with the problem-solving process, this is the "valley of realization."

Realization valleys exist in various forms, such as the feasibility of a single technology, the feasibility of combining multiple technologies, and the combination of hardware, software, and the cloud. In addition, factors other than technology alone, such as trade wars between countries, risks due to national policies, and delivery problems, are expected to emerge in recent years, and the complexity and importance of selecting the optimal technology is increasing. increase.

Based on the achievements we have cultivated in our daily business, we aim to be a good adviser and a leader for our customers, and to cross over the "valley of realization" together to implement the value expected by our customers in society and business. We are here.

We do not want our customers to make more mistakes than necessary during the implementation stage.
I would like you to feel that it was a good thing to work together.
With this in mind, we would like to make the impossible possible with technology and intelligence in order to realize our customers' plans.

Please feel free to contact us