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Service information materials
CrowdANALYTIX Service Information Materials
Introducing the features of the fully customized AI service "CrowdANALYTIX", the development system, use cases, etc. Please read this first.
CrowdANALYTIX Service Information Materials

Case study
ASKUL Corporation (utilization of important attribute scoring AI service)
[Utilization of important attribute scoring AI service] Expanding product information that leads to purchases that reflect user needs by scoring important attributes using AI
ASKUL Corporation (utilization of important attribute scoring AI service)
ASKUL Corporation (Utilization of automatic product category assignment service)
[Utilization of product category automatic assignment service] We have made full use of advanced AI technology to break away from individualized work and speed up product registration. CrowdANALYTIX enables automatic assignment of highly accurate product categories
ASKUL Corporation (Utilization of automatic product category assignment service)

Interview article
Started joint research on order volume prediction with the aim of optimizing delivery of transportation vehicles
- DX to steadily promote step by step through trial and error
MaruwaUnyuKikanCo. Ltd, a logistics company focused on 3PL (third-party logistics), has started a project to use AI to predict the order volume of customer stores in order to solve the problems of "people" and "vehicles" in logistics. This article presents a roundtable discussion between the company's project leadership members and Macnica, who supports this project.
Aiming to optimize the allocation of transportation vehicles, joint research on order volume prediction started - DX steadily advancing step by step through trial and error

Use Case
AI that improves the searchability of EC sites
AI that improves the searchability of EC sites

white paper
Optimal solutions for AI implementation processes learned from the reasons why projects falter
AI is booming in Japan, and many companies are proceeding with PoC (proof of concept). However, many AI projects are in the throes of failure, and there are reports that more than 90% of AI projects have collapsed or come to a standstill. There are many cases where there is no What is the reason for stumbling at the PoC stage? While looking at the actual situation in AI projects, we will consider what kind of perspective is necessary to lead the project to success.
Optimal solutions for AI implementation processes learned from the reasons why projects falter
AI solution development utilizing competition
When creating a high-precision AI model, it is possible to create the best AI model from the knowledge and ideas of more data scientists than conducting closed development only in-house. This document introduces a unique mechanism for creating highly accurate AI models for CrowdANALYTIX using competition.
AI solution development utilizing competition

Documents by solution
"Crowd ANALYTIX for EC"
Service introduction materials
CrowdANALYTIX for EC Inventory Optimization Service
Please read here for details on the cloud service "CrowdANALYTIX for EC Inventory Optimization Service" that solves problems in EC site demand forecasting, ordering, and inventory optimization.
CrowdANALYTIX for EC Inventory Optimization Service Introduction
white paper
What are the tips for using AI in EC site management?
In this white paper, Mr. Yusuke Komatsu Yusuke Komatsu, former Amazon Japan GK EC site manager, based on his own experience,
  • Background of the recent intensification of competition in the EC industry
  • Points for growing into an EC site that is trusted and chosen by customers
  • なぜ今EC業界でのAI活用が必要なのか
  • Concrete Successful Cases of AI Utilization Methods Leading to Solving Business Issues
etc. is explained. Please feel free to download and take a look at the hints for maximizing the sales of your EC site.
What are the tips for using AI in EC site management?
AI utilization behind EC by ASKUL Corporation, which handles more than 10 million items
~ Success or failure depends on labeling and categorization ~
Conversion rate (CVR) is directly linked to sales on an e-commerce site. An essential part of this improvement is the optimization of product information, which also improves searchability. In addition to optimizing "labels" and "categories," which are particularly important in product information, we will explain the product information management and optimization that ASKUL Corporation is working on using Macnica 's AI service.
ASKUL Corporation, which handles more than 10 million items, uses AI on the back side of EC - Labeling and categorizing the difference between success and failure -

Documents by solution
"Crowd ANALYTIX dataX"
Service introduction materials
AIaaS dataX automates mass product posting and information registration
"dataX" automates the process of posting large amounts of product information, including long tail information, and supports the construction of highly reliable e-commerce sites where customers can easily find and purchase products with confidence.
AIaaS dataX automates mass product posting and information registration
Use Case
AI that automates product classification, product attribute extraction, and structuring
AI that automates product classification, product attribute extraction, and structuring
white paper
Product data onboarding process challenges and solutions
In this white paper, as online purchases by business people are accelerating more and more, we will maintain the consistency of product data posted on EC sites and applications that are customer contact points, enhance it, and manage it so that it can be used quickly for business. The importance of In addition to posting product data on EC sites and apps, it is becoming increasingly important from the perspective of marketing DX such as personalization and recommendations. We will explain the issues of the manual product data onboarding process (the work of collecting, processing, correcting, and confirming original data) and their solutions.
Product data onboarding process challenges and solutions