keynote speech

Interactive keynote lecture by Kazumasa Kazumasa Hara President Macnica Corporation, and Kazunori Saito, author of "Exponential Thinking"

Exponential Technology and Intelligence to Accelerate Innovation in the New Normal Era

With the spread COVID-19, society is changing more rapidly than ever before, and countries and companies are preparing not only for work styles, but also for the new normal future of “with/after” corona. There is an increasing opportunity to review the appearance and business model.

In this keynote speech, in conjunction with MET2020, Macnica, which has evolved from an electronics trading company to a technology trading company and then to a solutions provider, will introduce what kind of value it can provide to companies as the world of science and technology evolves exponentially. In the second half, we will have a discussion session with Kazunori Saito, who promotes "exponential thinking," which is said to be a keyword for interpreting the future.

Special lecture

8 sessions with industry-leading luxury guest lecturers

Released from 9:00 on 11/18 (Wed.)

Data Utilization Management in the New Normal Era

Brain information - A new information medium for human beings -

Exponential thinking essential for DX Recommendations for organizational change to survive in turbulent times

Released from 9:00 on 11/26 (Thursday)

autonomous driving business accelerating in the with Corona era

Things made by sky-flying artists

Aiming to be a factory that connects with customers

Released from 9:00 on 12/1 (Tue)

Digitization of on-site capabilities

The era of space travel has arrived! Earth opening! Space Restoration! Announcement of the concept of the solar system economic zone!

main session

We have prepared many seminar lectures from professionals in each technology representing our company.

mini session

10-15 minute introduction to technology details and use cases

Mini-session: AI
Mini-session: Data utilization
Mini-session: Retail
Mini-session: Mobility Solutions
Mini-session: Medical and Nursing Care
Mini-session: IoT Security
Mini-session: Cybersecurity

Event secretariat

Macnica Exponential Technology 2020事務局
〒222-8561 横浜市港北区新横浜1-6-3