Questions about AiryQonnect          technical question

Frequently Asked Questions (Questions about AiryQonnect)

Q1. Where can I use it?


It can be used in general indoor facilities (buildings, offices, hospitals, nursing homes, educational institutions, restaurants, warehouses, factories, etc.).

It can be installed and used anywhere within the mobile phone coverage area.




Q2. How do I start AiryQonnect?

Q3. How much area can be measured with one sensor terminal?

Q4. Is there any difference from cheap CO2 sensor terminals when used for indoor ventilation index?

Q5. Can it be used for certification services such as WELL certification and LEED certification?

Q6. What should I do if I forget my password?

Q7. Do you have a recommended browser?

Q8. Whom should I contact if I have any questions or concerns?

       Questions about AiryQonnect

          technical question