I got an error when running ModelSim-Altera Edition 6.5e. (It works fine in previous versions.)

This is because the Windows OS environment variable "PATH" is not automatically set to the folder where the ModelSim launcher is saved when ModelSim-Altera Edition 6.5e (include Starter Edition) (for Quartus II Ver.10.0) is installed. am.
(Until now, it was set automatically during installation.)

This bug has been fixed in Ver.10.1 (ModelSim-Altera Edition 6.6c).

This work is not essential for users who run ModelSim-Altera by GUI operation.

Be sure to set the user executing command execution (batch etc.), NativeLink or Quartus II Tools menu ⇒ Run EDA Simulation Tool ⇒ EDA RLT Simulation (or EDA Gate Level Simulation).
If you run it without setting, the program path will not be mapped, so running vsim etc. will result in an error.

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