Intel: I have installed all supported device families in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, but I only see Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA in the device family selection screen.

Agilex Arria Quartus Prime Stratix

Category: Tools
Tools: Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
Devices: Agilex(TM), Stratix® 10, Arria® 10

Check the License Setup (Tools menu) as the paid license may not be set up correctly.

If the license is not successfully activated, it will operate as "Free mode" using Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA for free.
It is a specification that families other than Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA are not displayed in the Family column of device selection even if all supported families in Pro Edition are installed.

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