Intel: fatal error: altera_msgdma.h: No such file or directory ins_tse_mac.h /BUP_APP_bsp/drivers/inc/iniche line 34 C/C++ Problem

Quartus Prime

Category: Tools
Tools: Quartus® Prime Standard Edition, Nios® II Software Build Tool

This error message occurs when building an example design using the Scatter-Gather DMA Controller Core with Simple Socket Server using the Nios® II Software Build Tool in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition ver.17.1 or later.

Starting with version 17.1 of the Nios® II Software Build Tool sample code Simple Socket Server, the controlled DMA controller has been changed to the Modular Scatter-Gather DMA Core.
(Before ver.17.0, the Scatter-Gather DMA Controller Core was controlled.)

You can avoid the error by removing the Scatter-Gather DMA Controller Core from the example design and adding a new Modular Scatter-Gather DMA Core.

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