Intel: I get an error when generating an IP with the IP Catalog in Quartus® Prime Pro Edition ver.21.1.

Agilex IP Quartus Prime Stratix

Category: IP
Tools: Quartus® Prime
Device: Stratix® 10 / Agilex™

<Error message>
Error: no such variable
(read trace on "::env(IP_ROOTDIR)")
invoked from within
"return "$::env(IP_ROOTDIR)/altera/emif/ip_arch_nd/fw_src""
(procedure "get_iossm_firmware_source_dir" line 3)
invoked from within
"get_iossm_firmware_source_dir 1"
(procedure "get_sim_cal_code_hex_src_filename" line 2)
invoked from within
"get_sim_cal_code_hex_src_filename $force_firmware"
(procedure "_generate_common_fileset" line 36)
invoked from within
"_generate_common_fileset $top_level $if_ports"
(procedure "::altera_emif::ip_arch_nd::main::quartus_synth_fileset_callb..." line 15)
invoked from within
"::altera_emif::ip_arch_nd::main::quartus_synth_fileset_callback ddr4_emif_altera_emif_arch_nd_191_qchdbha"

■ Workaround
This error is a tool issue. You can avoid this by setting the following environment variables.
・Variable: IP_ROOTDIR
- Value: %QUARTUS_ROOTDIR%\..\ip\\ip

■ Corresponding IP
External Memory Interfaces Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP
PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel FPGA IP

Please also refer to the Knowledge Base below.
Error: no such variable (read trace on "::env(IP_ROOTDIR)") invoked from within "return "$::env(IP_ROOTDIR)/altera/emif/ip_arch_nd/fw_src"" on----env-iprootdir----invok.html

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