Intel: A pin called "termination_blk0~_rzq_pad" is generated by compiling (Fitter) with Quartus® Prime and cannot be pin assigned, resulting in an Error. Please tell me what to do.

Quartus Prime

Category: Quartus® Prime
Tools: Quartus® Prime
Device: All

termination_blk0~rzq_pad are the port names for the auto-generated RZQ signals required by the OCT block when setting internal termination resistors with calibration (Series XX Ohm with Calibration) to a pin.

Please change to internal termination resistor setting without calibration (Series XX Ohm without Calibration) and compile.

*The accuracy of the internal termination resistance differs between "with calibration" and "without calibration".
For more information, search for "OCT Calibration" or "OCT without calibration" in your device's datasheet.

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