Intel: Configure PCI-Express (PCIe) IP with CvP in Arria® 10 devices. At what stage of Configuration should PCIe Refclk be stable?

Arria PCI Express

Category: PCI-Express
Device: Arria® 10

Must be stable before deasserting PERST# (pin_perst).
In the case of CvP, the IO image is programmed first, then the Linkup sequence is performed after PERST# is released.
Refclk to the device should be stably input before this PERST# is released.

Please also refer to the following Knowledge Base.

When using the Intel Arria 10 PCIe* Hard IP in CvP or Autonomous mode, can the PLLs or transceivers be recalibrated in user mode if the reference clock is not stable during power up. pcie--hard-ip-in-cvp-or-autonomo.html

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