Intel: Please tell me how to transfer files and write to Flash memory (QSPI, NAND) of HPS (Hard Processor System) via JTAG.


Category: SoCs
Tools: SoC EDS

The following two methods are mainly conceivable.
It is up to the customer to decide which one to choose based on the characteristics of each method.

(1) Writing with HPS flash programmer tool:
Advantages: No special environment settings required
Disadvantages: Takes a long time to write

For the HPS flash programmer tool, please refer to the document below.

Intel® SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite User Guide (v20.1)
(Section 8. HPS Flash Programmer User Guide)

(2) Burning with U-Boot:
・Advantages: High-speed writing is possible
・Disadvantages: Environment construction required (SD card on target board or Arm DS required)

For how to write using U-Boot, please refer to the following page.

Faster than HPS Flash Programmer! How to write to QSPI in U-Boot

Arria 10 Flash Programming Alternative
Conveniently flash QSPI, NAND, SDMMC using DS-5, JTAG and optional TFTP
* Currently, SoC EDS v19.x or later is not supported, so it is necessary to prepare an old version (v18.1 or earlier) of U-Boot.

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