Intel: The Pro Edition does not have a "Generate Value Change Dump file script" option that causes Quartus® Prime to generate a script for VCD generation in EDA simulators such as ModelSim®. Please tell me how to set it.

Quartus Prime

Category: Quartus® Prime
Tools: Quartus® Prime

1. In the Simulation section of the Assignments menu > Settings > EDA Tool Settings
Select Tool name = <tool_name>.

2. Open the .qsf via File menu > Open.
(* It is recommended to execute Project menu > Organize Quartus Prime Settings File in advance to make qsf easier to see.)

3. Add the following constraints to the "# EDA Netlist Writer Assignments" section of the .qsf and save.

set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_DESIGN_INSTANCE_NAME <instance_name> -section_id eda_simulation
set_global_assignment -name EDA_WRITE_NODES_FOR_POWER_ESTIMATION <vcd_type> -section_id eda_simulation

* <instance_name>: Specifies the hierarchical path to the design instance in the testbench.
This value is used in the VCD generation script and should be an absolute hierarchical path.

* <vcd_type>: Specify the type of VCD output file (one of the following).

4. Run the EDA Netlist Writer.
If compilation is not complete, run EDA Netlist Writer after compiling.

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