Intel: Regarding the current strength value of Tx for High Speed Differential I/O in Arria® 10, the Quartus® Prime report states that the [Current Strength] of the corresponding pin is "Default". Is not it? 【Answer】

Arria Quartus Prime Transceivers

Category: Walkie-talkie
Tools: Quartus® Prime
Device: Arria® 10

The Transceiver Current value is determined by VOD, Pre-emphasis, and On-Chip Termination, so the Quartus® Prime report does not show a specific value for "Current Strength".

VOD, Pre-emphasis, and On-Chip Termination can be changed by reflecting them in QSF using Assignment Editor.
For the parameters and values that can be set, please refer to the description in the Transceiver User Guide below.

Intel® Arria® 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
8 (Analog Parameter Settings item)

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