Intel: My projects disappeared when I compacted and moved my Nios® II workspace. Are there any precautions when moving projects and workspaces?

Nios II

Category: Nios® II
Tools: Nios® II EDS

After compressing the workspace with the Windows standard zip compression function (*1) and unzipping it in a different folder, when opening that workspace with Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse, the registered project disappears. It will end up.

This is due to the peculiarity of the Windows zip compression function that when compressing multiple folders with leading periods, some folders are missing.
If you zip your workspace and move it, do not use standard Windows zip compression.

There is also a function to copy projects between workspaces using Nios II SBT import, so please refer to the following.

How to Move a Nios® II SBT Project

Ex. Explorer (right click) ⇒ Send (N) ⇒ Compressed (zip format) folder

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