Intel: When I implement the driver software created for my own component with Platform Designer, can I have the Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse automatically recognize the driver software? Also, can the driver software be managed in the same folder as the RTL file and _hw.tcl?

platform designer

Category: Nios® II
Tools: Quartus® Prime (Platform Designer), Nios® II EDS

You can do this by creating a <component name>_sw.tcl file in the folder containing <component name>_hw.tcl.

Refer to \nios2eds\components\altera_quad_seven_seg\altera_quad_seven_seg_sw.tcl for how to write.

Describe the source file in the "add_sw_property c_source" parameter and the include file in the "add_sw_property include_source".
The folders you normally store them in should be named "src" and "inc".

[File description example]

C/C++ source files
add_sw_property c_source src/<source file name>

Include files
add_sw_property include_source inc/<include file name>

Article header 131733 tcl folder 1

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