Intel: The self-made component _hw.tcl generated by Platform Designer's Component Editor is generated in the Quartus® Prime project folder. How can I move _hw.tcl to another folder where I manage my RTL files?

platform designer

Category: Nios® II
Tools: Quartus® Prime (Platform Designer)

After moving _hw.tcl generated by Component Editor to the same folder as the RTL file, open it with an editor, etc., and change the path set in the "add_fileset_file" parameter.
If you manage it in the same folder as the RTL file, delete the path and use only the file name.
If you need to set an absolute path or a relative path, set the path from the _hw.tcl storage folder. Please refer to the following document for details.

Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
(Item in Component Interface Tcl Reference)

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