Intel: Platform Designer has an IP called APB Translator Intel FPGA IP. Can I use this to connect Avalon with AXI or APB on Platform Designer?

platform designer

Category: Quartus® Prime (Platform Designer)
Tools: Quartus® Prime

No, this IP cannot be used manually by the user as it is automatically inserted by the tool when the internal bus is generated.

(Reference) Can I manually instantiate Qsys Translator IP in a Qsys system? /can-i-instantiate-avalon-translator-ip-in-a-qsys-system--.html

Platform Designer supports the following interfaces, and direct connection (automatic conversion) is possible between memory-mapped interfaces on Platform Designer.
(Quartus Prime v18.1)
AMBA3 AXI (version 1.0)
AMBA4 AXI (version 2.0)
AMBA4 AXI-Lite (version 2.0)
AMBA4 AXI-Stream (version 1.0)
AMBA3 APB (version 1.0)

Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
(Platform Designer Interconnect item)

Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
(item Designing with Avalon and AXI Interfaces)

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