Intel: Does the Nios® II software development environment provide a function for estimating the required stack and heap size?

Nios II

Category: Nios® II
Tools: Nios® II EDS

A mechanism for dynamically detecting stack overflow is provided.
It can be used by checking enable_runtime_stack_checking in Advanced of Main tab of BSP Editor.
Please refer to the following document for details.

Software development with Nios II SBT

Section 3 (ELS1392_Q1410_10__1.pdf)

= > 3-1-2. Stack overflow check options

As a check at the estimation stage, if -fstack-usage is specified as a command line argument of the compiler (GCC), information on the required stack size for each function can be obtained.
However, since it is not possible to recognize which functions are nested, it is necessary for the user to confirm the integration.

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