Intel: Configurations hosted by ARM® processors in SoC FPGA devices using the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™. Please tell me how to set and check the operating frequencies of the host (ARM) side and kernel (FPGA) side.


Category: OpenCL™
Tools: Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™
Device: Cyclone® V

OpenCL™ kernel frequencies can be found in *.sta.rpt. (Clocks item)
The clock frequency on the kernel (FPGA) side cannot be changed by the user and is automatically determined by the tool.
(The tool automatically reconfigures the PLL that supplies the clock for the kernel, and the frequency is lowered until Timing Met is determined.)

The frequency on the host (ARM) side is specified in the HPS option item of Platform Designer (formerly Qsys).
The specified frequency is reflected in the operation.

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