Analog Devices Current Output D/A Converters: What is the code vs. output voltage relationship for a multiplying DAC using the LTC2758A?

D/A converter (DAC)

The formula for calculating the multiplication DAC output voltage is for the standard application described in the datasheet (because it varies depending on the external circuit).
■ Unipolar: VOUT = VREF × D/2^n
■ Bipolar: VOUT=((VREF×D/2^(n-1))-VREF)÷2

where n is 18 since the LTC2758A is 18 bits. If the output span setting is
・In case of ±2.5V, 0-5V above
・In the case of ±5V, 0-10V, VREF is ×2 above
please do

(Published in August 2021)

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