High-sensitivity tactile sensor that can simultaneously detect three-dimensional displacement

  半導体や集積回路の設計、開発、輸出入、販売を手がける株式会社マクニカ テクスター カンパニー(以下テクスター、本社:神奈川県横浜市港北区、カンパニープレジデント:原 一将)は、この度、タッチエンス株式会社(以下タッチエンス社、本社:東京、代表取締役社長:尾方 謙一)と販売代理店契約を締結し、三次元方向の変位を検出できる触覚センサ製品の販売を3月1日より開始することを発表いたします。


  テクスターでは、マクニカグループ(本社:横浜市港北区新横浜、代表取締役社長:中島 潔)で取り扱う、RFICや高効率DC-DCコンバータ、など、相乗効果が期待できる幅広い商品ラインナップとともに、今後の拡大が期待される車載、スマートグリッド、ヘルスケア市場に広く提案できる製品群として、3年後にタッチエンス社製品として3億円の売上を目指しています。




* 本文中に記載の社名及び製品名は、各社の商標または登録商標です。

株式会社マクニカ  http://www.macnica.co.jp
経営戦略部 広報企画課 宮原 e-Mail:macpr@macnica.co.jp
〒222-8561 横浜市港北区新横浜1-6-3 マクニカ第1ビル
TEL:045-470-9851 FAX:045-470-9853

About Touchence Inc.

Touchence Co., Ltd. was established in 2010 based on the sensor business that was started as one of Satake Seisakusho's businesses through industry-academia collaboration with the University of Tokyo. As a sensor company that explores the future of tactile sensation, we manufacture and sell in-house developed tactile sensor parts and modules for markets that require tactile sensation for human-machine interfaces. In addition, by having our own factory that can handle development, prototyping, and small-lot mass production, we are able to provide customers not only with unique technology, but also with the added value of development speed. In addition to products developed in-house, we also develop custom-made products that meet the needs of our customers.
Touchence Co., Ltd., which was established through industry-academia-government collaboration, is attracting attention as one of the models for rebuilding the Japanese economy in the future. We will contribute to society by developing tactile sensors that
For details, please visit http://touchence.jp/

About Macnica

Since its establishment in 1972, Macnica has been a technology trading company and solution provider that plans, develops, and sells semiconductors and network-related equipment in the electronics and information and communications fields. We carry a wide variety of cutting-edge electronic products and always provide advanced technology and knowledge with higher added value. We also accurately grasp market trends and customer needs, establish our own detailed services and support, and support product design and development. the Company company is listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, headquartered in Yokohama, and has local subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, the United States, and Germany. Macnica has introduced an in-house company system, and TecStar Company is one of them.
For more information, please visit https://www.macnica.co.jp/business/semiconductor/

reference image

Shokaku Chip™

Shokaku Cube™ CL Type