Adoption of Finisar for “all-optical” data centers

Switch from system vendor's genuine optical transceiver



Achieving “real-time system management” even in a large-scale environment with a linear chain

  • (1) Significantly reduce capital investment costs without sacrificing quality, accelerating conversion to all optics and expanding bandwidth
  • ② 豊富なラインナップから最適な製品を選択し、投資効果を最大化
  • ③ 在庫管理の簡素化による運用コストの大幅削減

Started the “All-Optical Project” to Convert All Data Center Communications to Optical

With the global trend toward openness, the adoption of open technology is rapidly spreading in network infrastructure operated by data centers and other facilities. This trend is particularly noticeable in optical transceivers, which convert electrical and optical signals between each other and send and receive them. User companies are now freed from the traditional constraint of only being able to choose from a limited and expensive lineup, and are now able to freely select the product that is best suited to their network environment.

Dwango Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Dwango), a major content service provider, is putting this into practice. In order to build a high-capacity network unparalleled in Japan and provide stress-free services to users, we are promoting the standard use of optical transceivers in new server and network infrastructure starting in September 2017. ``Project'' has been launched. The impetus for this was Macnica 's adoption of optical transceivers manufactured by Finisar Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Finisar) in Japan.

Hiromichi Tomatsu, Manager of the Network Service Section, Dwango CloudService Department, Dwango Service Development Headquarters, explains the reason for this as follows. “We have an overwhelming share of OEM supplies to major network equipment manufacturers in Japan and overseas, and the Company have long been paying attention to the high quality backed by its reliability. After carefully comparing and considering products from multiple companies, we decided to choose Finisar based on the overall evaluation."

Since its founding in 1988, Finisar has continued to provide cutting-edge technology for the optical communications market and is a leading optical transceiver company chosen by many around the world. Finisar's company name is not well known because it is supplied to the market under the brand of a system vendor, but behind the scenes it supports all communications in the world.

User Profile

Dwango Co., Ltd.


A pioneer in network entertainment who has created a new culture that has evolved both "technology" and "contents" by advocating "creative leadership". Since its establishment in 1997, Japan's largest video service "niconico", music distribution service for mobile, planning and development of game software and online games, "niconico Chokaigi" and "Tokaigi", next-generation live house "nicofarre" ”, we continue to provide new value.